
作者: 雷蒙娜Ratiu, MS, CISM, CISA, Cyber Security Sr. 苏黎世保险公司经理,ISACA芝加哥分会前任主席
发表日期: 二零二三年十二月五日

网络安全并非科技公司的专利,它对每一家澳门赌场官方下载都至关重要. 我们已经消除了一种误解,即网络安全只与处理大量敏感数据的大公司有关. 各种规模和行业的澳门赌场官方下载都是网络攻击的潜在目标.

Verizon DBIR report found 43% of all cyberattacks target small businesses, and 60% of those go out of business within six months of the attack. It also reveals that on average, SMBs spend between $826 and $653,587 on cybersecurity incidents, and an increase of 15% is expected in the next two years.

很明显,小澳门赌场官方下载不能忽视当前的威胁形势. 确保尽职调查变得至关重要,因为组织可能在某些时候受到攻击, making it a matter of not if.

Zero trust is not limited to large organizations; small businesses can leverage its principles to fortify their defenses and mitigate cybersecurity risks effectively.

应用这些 零信任原则 对于小型澳门赌场官方下载来说,将包括定义业务战略(我们想要完成什么)和基于资源的策略优先级(我们将如何做). 记住人、过程和技术,不要把事情弄得过于复杂.

Define the protect surface:首先, 最重要的是, 清楚地了解组织的资产及其业务价值(这是由资产对业务的敏感性和关键性决定的)是至关重要的。. 然后, identify the threats and vulnerabilities to those assets, 并进行风险评估,开始建立你的网络弹性策略.

Define policies and invest in security awareness training: It is essential to check your regulatory and compliance requirements, define internal policies and invest in security awareness training. According to the Verizon DBIR, 小澳门赌场官方下载员工遭受的社会工程攻击比大澳门赌场官方下载员工多350%. Social engineering doesn’t rely on computer weakness; it relies on human kindness. 一个试图欺骗人们给他们有价值的东西的骗子.g., letting them know that your manager is out of office, 或者把你客户的名字告诉他们)利用了这种善意.

确保你有明确的政策,并培训你的员工遵守组织的政策和程序. They are the first line of defense against cyberthreats. 确保他们接受过网络安全最佳实践方面的培训,并了解自己在识别和报告可疑活动方面的作用. 熟悉并意识到常见的网络威胁:网络钓鱼, BEC business email compromise, 恶意软件, insider threats and password attacks.

定义业务案例,标准化流程并投资于防御技术:大型组织和小型组织的区别主要在于环境的复杂性和资源的可用性. A few best practices to consider:

  • Enable MFA (multi-factor authentication)-层您的安全措施,使未经授权的访问具有挑战性的壮举. MFA通过要求用户提供两种或更多形式的身份验证来访问系统或应用程序复杂的密码,从而增加了额外的安全层, physical one-time password tokens, 生物识别技术, mobile app one-time password tokens, 短信, emails or voice calls.
  • RBAC (role-based access control)-限制对敏感数据的访问,并确保每个角色适当的访问级别. 如果你不需要这些信息来完成你的工作,你就不应该访问它. 此外, 绝对必须了解谁和什么(设备和软件)有权访问组织的数字环境. Restrict access to resources based on a need-to-know basis.
  • Updated software and systems-网络罪犯不断寻找软件和系统的漏洞加以利用. 保持所有软件和系统最新的补丁和更新,以减少风险. 顺便说一下,这相当于你出门时把门锁上, make sure you check the windows, 太.

    正确保护您的网络是至关重要的,因为它是it基础设施的骨干. This involves firewalls, 为远程工作人员建立VPN,并对网络进行分段,以尽量减少成功攻击的影响.
  • Endpoint protection platforms-确保每个设备都有防恶意软件和防钓鱼工具.
  • 备份解决方案-重要文件应备份到异地或云端,以防止数据因网络攻击而丢失, natural disasters or hardware failure. Ensure testing of full restoration on an annual basis, at a minimum.
  • Incident response plan—Document how your team responds to incidents, 谁牵涉其中?, their roles and responsibilities (use a RACI chart), train employees and test the plan.

Transparency and communication across departments确保非技术团队理解良好网络卫生的影响并遵循 security best practices.

监控和维护零信任既是一种对安全的思考方式,也是一种持续的旅程. Monitoring, maintaining and improving your security posture is a must.

Consider cyber insurance: For an additional layer of protection, 明智的做法是考虑购买一份针对各种网络风险的单一险种网络保险, 攻击和更多.

实施强大的网络安全措施对小澳门赌场官方下载保护其资产至关重要, maintain customer trust and ensure business continuity. By adopting the principles of zero trust and following best practices, 小澳门赌场官方下载可以有效降低网络安全风险,保障澳门赌场官方下载运营.
