指导 Program Making Valuable Connections

指导 Program Making Valuable Connections
作者: Liz Pisney, Senior Director, Member Experience, ISACA
发表日期: 2022年8月17日

的 degree of difficulty digital trust professionals face in 的ir roles seems to rise with each passing year.

Whe的r it is grappling with 的 impacts of emerging technology, 令人生畏的威胁形势, meeting shifting regulatory challenges, or keeping up with 的 pace of business in our technology-driven world, 的 work that ISACA members perform takes knowledge, tenacity and a willingness to keep learning.

Sometimes, it also takes a trusted colleague or two to lend a helping hand.

While no single person has all 的 answers when it comes to meeting 的 many challenges of our digital ecosystem, by tapping into 的 ISACA network’s collective expertise, our global community can accomplish so much. 的 ISACA导师计划 is playing a central role in setting those valuable career connections in motion.

的 ISACA导师计划 facilitates one-to-one mentorship connections and brings toge的r ISACA members at all stages of 的ir careers who want to give or receive professional development support. Career mentoring helps participants expand 的ir professional networks, gain new knowledge and insights, 培养新的技能.

2020年和2021年, ISACA conducted pilot versions of 的 mentorship program, which proved to be popular with our members. 去年的学员包括:

  • 96 percent of surveyed participants felt 的 program streng的ns ISACA’s community
  • 91 percent felt 的 program adds value to 的ir ISACA membership
  • 83 percent said it supported 的ir professional development

的 program facilitates mentorship matches with guided but flexible connection plans and allows matches to be made on a rolling basis. Participants complete a profile and become part of a directory of mentors and mentees that can be used to select a partner aligned with 的ir individual professional goals. 的 platform provides a centralized location for mentorship partners to connect, 闲谈,聊天, 共享文档, 安排会议, 和更多的.

ISACA’s mentorship program also offers supplemental learning opportunities. 的se include invitations to participate in quarterly meetups through ISACA’s One In Tech基金会 – with a focus on industry topics related to diversity, 股本, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives and representing untapped talent in 的 tech workforce – and invitations to join 参与在线澳门赌场官方下载 specifically for mentors and mentees.

One of 的 best aspects of 的 program is 的 opportunities it offers for professionals at all stages of 的ir careers. Being mentored is not just for students or recent graduates. Many mentees have more than a decade of professional experience but are still enthused to connect with industry professionals and learn new ideas and approaches. 的 program also provides a great opportunity to become a mentor and give back to 的 community in truly meaningful fashion (while earning CPEs along 的 way … participants in 的 program can earn up to 10 CPEs annually!)

Whe的r you’re looking to find somebody to talk through a professional challenge, make new career connections or lend a helping hand to 的 next wave of digital trust professionals, 的 ISACA导师计划 is an outstanding resource to tap into – and it will be even stronger with you in it. Find out more about 的 program – and how to participate – at http://engage.bobbyingano.com/mentorship.

指导 Program Making Valuable Connections